Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Only time will tell if you too are eaten by your peers...

There are certain reasons Heidi and I get along so well.
One of those reasons is her amazing ability to have the weirdest friends and their quotes.

A conversation about if her fish (Antwone) was eaten by my fish
(ǂ -- his name is a clicking sound (sounds like someone when they click to a horse)) suddenly turned into a friend-wide thing dissing Heidi.
The poor girl, we must feel sorry for her.

Well, it turns out Antwone is alive, although a little sigh ( I think
ǂ picks on him. 'tis a shame.)

Well, in other news. My ASL/English class was canceled due to lack of people so I decided to screw English this quarter and take 'Survey of Human Diseases.'
Yay, Pathology!
I'm extremely excited.

I'm still taking American Sign Language (ASL) 103 and don't plan on stopping, it /is/ my second language.

But yes, finals week so I have been insanely busy with a touch of insomnia.
Plus, my hair is falling out like a cancer patients hair. It is /very/ annoying.
Oh well, three more months of this and then I just have to remember to take thyroid replacement drugs.

I promise this week I will be getting some pictures up on Deviantart. It is just a matter of going out and taking pictures.

Well, so long.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's a crime and a shame...

Well, I decided to start my own blog.

Why? Well, I really don't know why. I'm horrible with updating things and with school being so busy I don't even have time to study much of the time.

I was extremely happy when I found out that our last story we were reading in British Lit. was 'Macbeth.' After reading it three times and working tech on the performance, I have the play basically memorized.
Meaning, I read nothing for this quarter -- except for Beowulf and the Canterbury Tales.

Update on Graves Disease:

After going to the Emergency Room for what I -- and the Boeing Nurse-- thought was a blood clot/heart attack I was given an EKG and a blood test. They ran my thyroid levels at the same time and I came out normal (yay!)
No blood clot, no heart attack...just an anxiety attack.
I've had plenty before but I never had those symptoms so it came as a shock.

In one month I have another meeting with my thyroid doctor. We are going to do labs (this is the longest I have ever gone without a blood draw) and talk about when I'm going to do the Radioactive Iodine. It will defiantly be after Italy since he doesn't want me to set off radiation detectors at the airport (I'm in the same boat as well.)

So, currently it looks like I'm just going to have to deal with being hyperthyroid.