Thursday, June 26, 2008

To Lo Sai

I'm heading to Italy soon.

It only seems like yesterday that we were planning this trip and even wondering if I was going to go.

That was a year ago. XP

I've been working on getting everything ready, making sure I have less than three ounces of ANYTHING liquid or lotion like and making sure that I have no sharp objects in my purse or bags.

Oh, the joys of airport security. The nice thing is my mom used to work for them (long time ago) so she knows what will and won't go through. And sometimes even how to get it to go through. Granted, she does not condone attempts to blow0-up planes or firearms in small enclosed spaces.
But that does not mean that even little piece of sharp metal is going to be used to take over the plane.

Some of us just get bored and owe a lot of people knitted hats.

I also have to figure out a feeding schedule for the rabbits since I know that my brother is GOING TO FORGET and I'm going to come back to two dead rabbits.

Possible some dead fish and very fat dogs.
Yesterday, I went to the Zoo with Emily and my pseudo nephews. We had LOADS of fun and both Emily and I enjoyed the time with the kids, and we were surprised at how good they were. It was a lot of walking for Kole. While we were there I picked up a stuffed giraffe (see picture above) as something quick. I love stuffed animals because they are cuddly and warm.
And this was just adorable.

He instantly was given a name while I was sitting in the car, and in honor of my pea puffers (RIP) he was given the name of Geoffrey Ferocia Syllabicus ǂ the III.
It's a long name but I've chosen just to call him Geoffrey. Or ǂ. (The name Geoffrey is in regards to Mr. Chaucer who gave us "The Canterbury Tales")
He is adorable and plushy like. I wuv him.

Yes, some people say I need to get a life...I think they are all crazy.

BUT! This blog, for the next two weeks (ish) will be devoted to me getting ready for Italy and being there.
Cause I'm horrible and must rub it in the face of many friends that I'm going to Italy instead of working.