Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well, I'm offically unemployed as of tomorrow (at 7:00pm.) It is slightly depressing but a train ride to Canada and seeing all my friends will be a nice way to end my employment period as I move toward job hunting. I have placed applications at four places and I've heard back from one (Something Silver in Bellevue Square) so I have an interview on Sunday (Which I'm NOT prepared for.)

I'm trying to decide where else I could go and apply. Anime Raku would be fun and for some reason I get this strange feeling I know one of the guys that works there (same class or something?) but they have nice hours and they are even closed on Monday's which works cause of my Capoeira classes.

School is going GREAT! Most of my nights are spent doing homework and nothing much (besides talking to my wife) but I love each class. Pre-Calc. is not that hard and Biology is fun due to the teacher. Criminal Justice is harder then I thought but I still enjoy it, I just have to study hard for the tests (I've gotta beat all those people out. xD) Capoeira is one of the best classes I've ever taken and I'm so glad I can share it with two of my good friends.
We have a blast.

I'm totally excited to take it next quarter, gives me a day off from work and while it's hard work it is fun. I've also played with the idea of going to the classes down in Seattle, but they are so far away and during busy traffic hours that I would rather not have to cross any of the bridges to get down there. Camará Sara is an awesome teacher (I don't know what her offical title would be since I know she is not a mestre. But I could be wrong.
Anyways, love that class to bits.

But, as for that, nothing much is happening. I've been sick for two weeks which is getting annoying but I'll live, I just wish I could have my voice back and the latest lab results from my doctor state that my thyroid levels are increasing, YAY hyperthyroid. xD

Well, I must be off.

- Sarah

Monday, September 22, 2008

So, I thought I would update with some pictures from Anime Evolution, even though it almost happened more then a month ago. I'm horrible, I know, I was supposed to update while I was there but I ended up spending most of my time with the gang and chilling with my NEW friends.
You all know who you are. xD

So, now we have the Ali-monster when we working on her wig. That was the most interesting experience I had ever had to encounter. Honestly, that wig hated me. It shed all over my bedspread and the floor....and stuck to was just horrible. But it was the best nights, working on that stupid wig. xD
Words cannot describe the horror that Brit-brit was when she was given possession of those handcuffs. I've never seen someone so happy to snap them on anyone she could trick into getting close and them dragging them around (as seen in the next picture, though...our friend CC Strife was the one dragging at the time.)


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Anime Evolution 2008

It's official!

I've entered the world of being a dork.
Not that I have not been a resident for some time now but still, this is the peak, the all time dork-thing I could do.
And I'm so excited.

I'm going to a convention.
Not just any convention.
But an ANIME convention. In Canada.
More specifically...UBC (University of British Columbia)

TOTALLY excited. Nervous since this is my first con (Sakuracon doesn't count I guess, you have to actually be a registered member to count. xD not just a stalker)

But! For the next weekend this blog will be dedicated to all things AE08. Pictures, News, Crazyness, even my friends will be posting their thoughts on the blog.
As for the people going I will give some bios.

1) Sarah
Alias: Sars, Pope.
Age: 20

Official driver and organizer of con. Also the most poor and least organized when it comes to everything else.

2) Amy
Alias: Misa (Her cosplay), God
Age: 19

My rock. The only thing keeping me from going crazy. Second official driver (emergency only) and my organization. Also, the DJ.

3) Brit
Alias: Matt (Her Cosplay for one day)
Age: 19

Just all around good times. Keeps me sane and gives me massive amounts of hugs.

4) Ali
Alias: Near (Her Cosplay)
Age: 17

CANADIAN BUDDAY! Love this girl to death. She will be our tour guide through the scary world of "foreign" Canada.
Yes, she does speak French. xD

5) Donny
Alias: Devil
Age: 17

Last minute add on. Official group bodyguard. xD

SOOO! Keep a look out for updates.

To the "Cousin": Don't you DEMAND Italy Pictures! xD I will put some up tonight, happy?
LOVE YOU LOTS! I miss you so much!

ALSO! I have Black hair now.
It's kind of scary.
I'll have plenty of pictures of it. xD

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Italy Trip [Image Heavy]

Here is a photo tour of my trip to Italy. I picked some of my favorite photos for this.
Please note this is going to be very IMAGE HEAVY.


-- This is what France looks like from in an airplane. Heidi, cover your eyes. XD

-- All through Italy there are these things called 'Autogrills.' They are like McDonalds. Really. And the food at McDonalds is better, my mother would beg to differ...but I did not enjoy it.

-- The drive to our hotel was really beautiful. Granted, I took this before I fell asleep. Very tired, I had essentially been awake for more then twenty-four hours without any sleep.

This was a beautiful home in a park near our hotel. It was under renovations but the outside was just beautiful.

One of the hotels. This was not ours, but I loved that it was painted pink. xD

The meat in the background is called prosciutto. It is a cured ham that you eat on sandwiches, pizza, with fruit or pasta. It is an uncooked meat and it is actually really good, despite that those are the legs of pigs.
I actually learned to like it on my pizza, a lot. xD
I took a picture of my cousin and my mother in front of the stand.

Larry (tour guide) stops to smell the roses at our first cooking school over looking the walled city of Lucca.

Cousin Jim is learning to cook, along with a bunch of other students. Our chef is the guy with the hat. You can't miss him.
Beautiful day, nice and warm and the food was amaaazing.

Primi dish at the cooking school. It was a spinach baked something. (I was inside, writing a report.)

Major church in the walled city of Lucca. The inside was so beautiful, sadly no photography allowed [inside.]

There was a group of kids riding around on bikes for a scavenger hunt (historical landmarks, etc.) We were cheering for the brown dots. xD
But bikes are so cool over there, but don't let anyone trick you. There traffic is just as bad as ours and they drive just as much as we do.

Our running trip through Venice. My mother was taking pictures of me navigating through the city. Just remember, NEVER PICK UP A MAP IN VENICE! You will get lost.
Follow the yellow signs (and no, this is not a play off of the Wizard of Oz, I'm not kidding. Yellow signs = your best friend.)

In Venice there are NO cars allowed. Garbage trucks are hand-held carts and construction trucks are boats. This guy was loading debris from his job-site onto his boat.

Venice is just...beautiful.

Silvio, the art teacher in Venice. Such a nice guy.

I will post more when I'm feeling better!

Friday, July 4, 2008

We are leaving our first hotel (Hotel Adua) and heading toward the next one near Verona.
I hope everyone had a good Fourth of July, I know I did.
That must sound weird considering we were in Italy and 4th of July is an American holiday, but the chef we were cooking with found out about it and after dinner (that ended around 11pm) he brought out fireworks.
Now, where he got fireworks will puzzle me and they were nothing like back home but it was still a nice gesture and still really fun.
Everyone was drunk and giggling and making fools of themselves.
It was also my cousins birthday (we have five birthdays on this trip) so I got up and sang "Tu Lo Sai" after the third course and right before dessert. It was just a big party, and it is like this every single night.
Italy has it right when it comes to dinners. Big courses, good friends, good wine and giggling about everything.

I'm sorry there have been no pictures yet, for those that don't know my charger for my laptop blew when I plugged it into the voltage regulator. I guess Apple has something about that but of course, who reads the manual for a Mac.

I just wanted to tell everyone that I miss you all and everyone is getting gifts (you know who you are, I think I told you about it.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A New (and better) day

It is currently early afternoon (the computer I'm working on is 'home' time so I don't know exactly what time it is here. XD) and I'm in Lucca, Italy. It's a beautiful city with cool old walls.
Right now I'm sitting in the office of the cooking school we are working at, listening to the sound of knives and laughter and smelling lamb cooking and spices.
Oh, I wish you all could be here. It's so nice and warm, but less muggy in Lucca then it is by our hotel.

I have lots of pictures to upload, but sadly I'm working on the team (group) leaders laptop trying to get a report done. It was very nice of him while I look for an Apple store.
I'm currently hoping I can call the store in Roma and have them express ship me the charger so that I can have my lovely computer back.
I do miss it.

But, for now, I'm happy with what I have.

I've found out that it is proving very difficult not to just leave you guys all in America and pull a 'Under the Tuscan Sun' moment and move here. It is honestly the most beautiful place I've been to in a while. The weather is actually bearable, and we are living like many people. Wake up early, do stuff until about 12 or 1 and then it is rest time till 5.
Even all the shops close at 1 and open back at 5.

We have a lovely bar across the street from our hotel that has become the place to hang out. I guess the drinks there are wonderful and the girl is just a sweetheart, she is teaching us Italian and practicing her English.
Also! Potatoe chips and peanuts are served here like chips and salsa in Mexico.

It is an everyday thing.

I do miss you ALL! I'm gonna be sad to leave here but I plan on returning, perhaps moving here one day. I would love to live in many different places and see a lot of the world.

But for now, I say goodbye.
And when I come back, don't hate me when I answer things in Italian. XD.
Or describe things as primi (first).

I hope the weather is good at home. I MISS YOU ALL!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Not a good day.

Fast blog.

Stupid voltage adapter fried my laptop charger.

I have less then an hour and fifteen minutes of battery life for ten days unless I can get to the only Apple Store in Italy.
Which is in Rome. 
Far far away.



Thursday, June 26, 2008

To Lo Sai

I'm heading to Italy soon.

It only seems like yesterday that we were planning this trip and even wondering if I was going to go.

That was a year ago. XP

I've been working on getting everything ready, making sure I have less than three ounces of ANYTHING liquid or lotion like and making sure that I have no sharp objects in my purse or bags.

Oh, the joys of airport security. The nice thing is my mom used to work for them (long time ago) so she knows what will and won't go through. And sometimes even how to get it to go through. Granted, she does not condone attempts to blow0-up planes or firearms in small enclosed spaces.
But that does not mean that even little piece of sharp metal is going to be used to take over the plane.

Some of us just get bored and owe a lot of people knitted hats.

I also have to figure out a feeding schedule for the rabbits since I know that my brother is GOING TO FORGET and I'm going to come back to two dead rabbits.

Possible some dead fish and very fat dogs.
Yesterday, I went to the Zoo with Emily and my pseudo nephews. We had LOADS of fun and both Emily and I enjoyed the time with the kids, and we were surprised at how good they were. It was a lot of walking for Kole. While we were there I picked up a stuffed giraffe (see picture above) as something quick. I love stuffed animals because they are cuddly and warm.
And this was just adorable.

He instantly was given a name while I was sitting in the car, and in honor of my pea puffers (RIP) he was given the name of Geoffrey Ferocia Syllabicus ǂ the III.
It's a long name but I've chosen just to call him Geoffrey. Or ǂ. (The name Geoffrey is in regards to Mr. Chaucer who gave us "The Canterbury Tales")
He is adorable and plushy like. I wuv him.

Yes, some people say I need to get a life...I think they are all crazy.

BUT! This blog, for the next two weeks (ish) will be devoted to me getting ready for Italy and being there.
Cause I'm horrible and must rub it in the face of many friends that I'm going to Italy instead of working.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Only time will tell if you too are eaten by your peers...

There are certain reasons Heidi and I get along so well.
One of those reasons is her amazing ability to have the weirdest friends and their quotes.

A conversation about if her fish (Antwone) was eaten by my fish
(ǂ -- his name is a clicking sound (sounds like someone when they click to a horse)) suddenly turned into a friend-wide thing dissing Heidi.
The poor girl, we must feel sorry for her.

Well, it turns out Antwone is alive, although a little sigh ( I think
ǂ picks on him. 'tis a shame.)

Well, in other news. My ASL/English class was canceled due to lack of people so I decided to screw English this quarter and take 'Survey of Human Diseases.'
Yay, Pathology!
I'm extremely excited.

I'm still taking American Sign Language (ASL) 103 and don't plan on stopping, it /is/ my second language.

But yes, finals week so I have been insanely busy with a touch of insomnia.
Plus, my hair is falling out like a cancer patients hair. It is /very/ annoying.
Oh well, three more months of this and then I just have to remember to take thyroid replacement drugs.

I promise this week I will be getting some pictures up on Deviantart. It is just a matter of going out and taking pictures.

Well, so long.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's a crime and a shame...

Well, I decided to start my own blog.

Why? Well, I really don't know why. I'm horrible with updating things and with school being so busy I don't even have time to study much of the time.

I was extremely happy when I found out that our last story we were reading in British Lit. was 'Macbeth.' After reading it three times and working tech on the performance, I have the play basically memorized.
Meaning, I read nothing for this quarter -- except for Beowulf and the Canterbury Tales.

Update on Graves Disease:

After going to the Emergency Room for what I -- and the Boeing Nurse-- thought was a blood clot/heart attack I was given an EKG and a blood test. They ran my thyroid levels at the same time and I came out normal (yay!)
No blood clot, no heart attack...just an anxiety attack.
I've had plenty before but I never had those symptoms so it came as a shock.

In one month I have another meeting with my thyroid doctor. We are going to do labs (this is the longest I have ever gone without a blood draw) and talk about when I'm going to do the Radioactive Iodine. It will defiantly be after Italy since he doesn't want me to set off radiation detectors at the airport (I'm in the same boat as well.)

So, currently it looks like I'm just going to have to deal with being hyperthyroid.