Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well, I'm offically unemployed as of tomorrow (at 7:00pm.) It is slightly depressing but a train ride to Canada and seeing all my friends will be a nice way to end my employment period as I move toward job hunting. I have placed applications at four places and I've heard back from one (Something Silver in Bellevue Square) so I have an interview on Sunday (Which I'm NOT prepared for.)

I'm trying to decide where else I could go and apply. Anime Raku would be fun and for some reason I get this strange feeling I know one of the guys that works there (same class or something?) but they have nice hours and they are even closed on Monday's which works cause of my Capoeira classes.

School is going GREAT! Most of my nights are spent doing homework and nothing much (besides talking to my wife) but I love each class. Pre-Calc. is not that hard and Biology is fun due to the teacher. Criminal Justice is harder then I thought but I still enjoy it, I just have to study hard for the tests (I've gotta beat all those people out. xD) Capoeira is one of the best classes I've ever taken and I'm so glad I can share it with two of my good friends.
We have a blast.

I'm totally excited to take it next quarter, gives me a day off from work and while it's hard work it is fun. I've also played with the idea of going to the classes down in Seattle, but they are so far away and during busy traffic hours that I would rather not have to cross any of the bridges to get down there. CamarĂ¡ Sara is an awesome teacher (I don't know what her offical title would be since I know she is not a mestre. But I could be wrong.
Anyways, love that class to bits.

But, as for that, nothing much is happening. I've been sick for two weeks which is getting annoying but I'll live, I just wish I could have my voice back and the latest lab results from my doctor state that my thyroid levels are increasing, YAY hyperthyroid. xD

Well, I must be off.

- Sarah

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